Friday, March 28, 2008

A Natural

This morning in bed I asked E. what she wanted to do today, this last real day of Spring Break. She answered, "I want to go to the yarn store!"

Normally, my response would be, "Good girl!" But lately I've been trying my hardest to make at least a hefty dent in my stash, finish projects that have been waiting ages in the ol' queue, and NOT SPEND MONEY. Sending me to the knitting store is like sending an alcoholic to the packie, so I actually wasn't thrilled by her request.

But we went. Guess what we got (aside from a skein of Araucania for my cowl)? G. finally got knitting needles (no.8) and yarn (Encore worsted in canary yellow)! I took the kids to the park and while E. pumped up and down on a swing, I successfully taught him how to knit. He was utterly prepared, having spent this whole past school year finger-knitting, finger-weaving and French knitting. Sticks proved only the slightest of complications. E. had picked out some lime green bulky wool and I promised her that when she masters finger-weaving, needles will be forthcoming.

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