Monday, October 8, 2007

The One Good Thing about Saturday

On the way to our friends' house before E. got hurt, we had to stop by Shuttles, Spindles and Skeins in Boulder for Irina. She annoyingly didn't have enough yarn to finish the scarves she's knitting for herself and her parents. As the book G. got out of the library, Tibetan Tales for Little Buddhas reminds, though, "Who knows what's good fortune or bad?" because the rest of us were certainly lucky! The store was hosting an outside fiber arts demonstration. G. and E. immediately fell in love with the inkle looms and are excited to receive in the mail the bookmarks they wove. I watched a woman make some incredibly tiny, intricate lace with her bobbins. AND best of all for me, at my request one of the spinners fetched a couple drop spindles and roving, pulled up two chairs, and proceeded to teach me - finally! - to spin. I think I've actually got it. My yarn is still a bit lumpy in places and generally uneven, but no more so than lots of the "professional" yarn I buy (like the beautiful, jewel-toned Manos del Uruguay). And it saved us the 35 bucks I'd been planning to invest in the class! (Of course, the kids are now begging for $70 looms for Christmas...)

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